The summer season is not even started and sun is shining bit too harsh. In general, keeping your body hydrated is very crucial but in summer it is a must. So, to keep your body hydrated we have brought summer drinks that will not just enhance hydration but also provide you other benefits. As drinking normal water can be boring; to cheer your mood, we have brought refreshing flavors of drink to keep you hydrated. The top five drinks are:

1. Classic Lemonade

A blend of chilled water along with the tangy goodness of lemon and jal jeera, topped with fresh mint leaves and slice of lemon.

Benefits- Classic lemonade will provide you maximum hydration and lemon will ensure the vitamin C along with the antioxidants to fight the free radicals. Jeera helps in weight loss. It also has anti-oxidants which help in the prevention of cancer.

2. Aam Panna

Boiled raw mango is mixed with jeera powder and sugar/ salt to enhance the flavour.

Benefits- Raw mango help in prevention from dehydration. Raw mango has an abundance of vitamin c which is good for skin health and the immune system. Jeera powder is good for gut health. Raw mango has good content of fibre that helps with constipation.

3. Buttermilk

Buttermilk is a fermented liquid that is mixed with a paste of green chilli, garlic, and mint leaves along with jeera powder and salt.

Benefits- Buttermilk act as a natural coolant in our body and also prevents dehydration as it has a high amount of water and electrolytes. Jeera powder in buttermilk enhances the benefits of buttermilk by regulating the blood sugar level. And it also has anti-oxidants that help in cancer prevention.

4. Lassi

Indian yogurt is mixed with rose petals, kesar and dry fruits such as almond, cashew, pistachios and garnish it with rose petals.

Benefits – Yogurt is probiotic (contains good bacteria). Yogurt is a good source of protein. Yogurt also boosts immunity power. Yogurt-based recipes are good for weight loss.

5. Cold Coffee

 A rich blend of creamy milk along with coffee, powdered sugar, a scoop of ice-cream, and ice cubes.

Benefits- Milk are good source of calcium and calcium is good for bone health. Milk is also source of vitamin B 12.

Coffee improves mood and coffee is good for digestive health.
